New Beginnings

Back at it.

It’s been so long since I’ve written anything, I’m really not sure where to start. I just organized my office space and my desktop so I figure my website should be next. I’ve been on a programming and posting hiatus for a while and it’s time to get back into the swing of things.

With the exception of video games, I’ve been spending a lot of time sketching lately. My goal has been to practice drawing all parts of the body starting with the head and it’s been going pretty well. I’m still struggling to find my style but I know I’ll fall into it. I’m more worried about improving my problem areas. Symmetry, proportion, & line weight to name a few. Looking back on old drawings though, I do see some improvement. I feel a lot more comfortable as an artist now and with Cyber Monday approaching, I ended up finding a Kamvas Pro 13 on sale. I decided I’d get one a while back and figured now’s as good a time as any. I think it will help improve and streamline a few things.

Moving Forward.

I’d like to start to posting at least once a week. In addition, I want to start on at least one series. I have plenty of ideas. It’s all just a matter of follow through. I plan on keeping a pretty loose structure with the blog and staying simple. My talents and interests lie across a few different platforms and fields and I’d like figure out a way to incorporate as much of that as possible into this website. Game development, programming, and art will be the main areas of focus but who knows what else I’ll get myself into.

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