Jonny’s Quest – Digital Drawing, Pencil and Paper, and Future Plans

Getting back into digital drawing has been somewhat discouraging. There are parts about it I love but I still prefer pencil & paper. And that’s what I’ve been using for about the past year now. I have still been using Aseprite to make and alter sprites, but until yesterday, I hadn’t opened Sketchbook or Photoshop for almost a year.

I think I’m in the works of finding a good balance between digital and traditional. It’s a lot easier to get my ideas down with pencil and paper but I know I just need to practice more with my tablet. There was definitely a point in my life where I felt more comfortable drawing with a tablet but the coordination just isn’t there anymore. That being said, it’s given me a chance to relearn a lot of things the right way.

Yesterday, I finished drawing the header for Jonny’s Quest and I’ve been sketching some ideas for an avatar. I like what I have so far but I also don’t really have my own style yet. I’m also finding it somewhat difficult to capture myself in an avatar. I always thought this stuff would be easier than it is.

I definitely thought it would be easier to stay motivated without having to work. I’m sure I get more done, but I also have a lot more time to sit around and feel unproductive. Thanks COVID.

I want to get back to drawing at least once a day. At the very least, make one sprite a day. I plan on remaking most of the assets in game development book I’m using. And I’m doing pixel art. Mostly for speed and simplicity but also because I think it’s a fantastic medium. There are a lot of things you can do with just a few pixels.

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