Jonny’s Quest – Introduction (Art)

Hi and welcome to the art section of Jonny’s Quest!

I started the day with plans to make some art for my website.  And while the day might technically be over, I’ll hopefully still end up with something to show for it.  I finally got my website about 90% of the way finished and I’m pretty happy with the results.  I’m certainly no web developer and I’m not sure I have the desire to be.  I tend to find myself extra distracted when it comes to configuring things. 

With all that out of the way, now I can turn my attention elsewhere.  Like art.  I want to make a logo, an avatar, and some kind of banner/header.  I’ve had plenty of ideas, but little motivation.  I still have a lot to learn when it comes to drawing and I know that’s the biggest thing holding  me back. 

I’ve been drawing off and on for most of my life but until recently, it’s been mostly doodles.  I never really drew with intent or the purpose of improving and I made mistakes I didn’t even realize.  Things like not getting proportions right or not shading properly.  I still have a lot to learn but I’m learning in a better way. 

Now that Jonny’s Quest’s is up and running, I’m going to try to draw something every day.  I know I should already be doing that but motivation has been scarce lately.  I really just want to code, but I also want to have good, original artwork for my games.  More often than not, I struggle to find the perfect assets for what I’m making. Even if it is just a tutorial game for a book. 

For the time being, I’m using a few different free asset packs depending on my needs as well as creating a few of my own.  I mostly use Aseprite and Sketchbook with the occasional dabble in photoshop and  I’m excited to finally go digital again and start drawing things for my blog as well as assets for my future projects. 

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