Progress Update – time management & next project game

It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted or done anything productive.  The quarantine is coming to an end and I have to go back to work soon. This brings time management to the top of my priority list.  So far, I’ve had a pretty laid-back attitude when it comes to staying on task and I know it’s something I should work on sooner rather than later.  

My daily routine normally consists of programming or drawing when inspiration strikes, and watching TV.  Usually some video games in between.  It’s been working so far but I’ve also had a lot more free time free thanks to this COVID nonsense.  Lately it’s been more gaming than anything else though, and that’ll have to change.  

For that, I have my new laptop to thank.  An MSI GS65 Stealth and I’m loving it so far.  That being said, my sad, sad little internet connection has been making it a pain getting things set up.  I have yet to program on it but I’m in the final stages of configuring libGDX and Intellij so it should be soon.  

I’m moving along with my next project game, After Therona.  It’s a mostly text-adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic future where a virus has wiped out most of humanity.  The player emerges from a quarantine and has to explore, fight, and survive to figure out what’s going on with the world.  

So far I have a title screen and about half a UI. My next steps will be saving the player’s name (& other info), setting up some prototype rooms, and roughly mapping out a story. Once I have a working prototype, I can start implementing some RPG elements.  Some things I know I want for sure are classes(wayfinder, raider, scavenger, sustainer), hunger & thirst, and a level up system based on class.  Seems pretty accomplishable for a solo programmer. 

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